Maiden ReFinD Webinar Series discusses competition in agent network development

Maiden ReFinD Webinar Series discusses competition in agent network development

The maiden ReFinD Webinar Series on Agent Network Development drew over a hundred participants spanning the agent network and financial inclusion value chains in Africa, Asia, Europe, and America, facilitating the exchange of global perspectives on competition and agent network development in LMICs. The event featured two competition-themed ReFinD projects, an expert panel discussion, and open discussions, making for an in-depth and enriching engagement with the with the topic.

ReFinD awards five new grants

ReFinD awards five new grants

ReFinD has awarded grants to five successful applicants under its second request for proposals (RFP2). The new group of grantees add to 10 researchers who are benefitting from grants under the ReFinD research initiative. This brings to a total of 15 the number of ReFinD-funded projects across Africa and Asia.  

Retracing the RFP2 process 

RFP2 grantees forge connections at inception workshop

RFP2 grantees forge connections at inception workshop

ReFinD organized an inception meeting for the successful applicants of its second Request For Proposals (RFP2). The virtual meeting provided a space for the newly selected grantees to deepen their understanding of the processes and expectations of the ReFinD grant, and learn about the projects of fellow grantees. The grantees represent six institutions from three countries.

ReFinD and UNCDF Ethiopia to co-host dialogue on data-driven agent network development


The Retail Finance Development Research Initiative (ReFinD) and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) are joining forces to co-host a dialogue centered on leveraging data to drive the development of agent networks. The event, scheduled for July 25, 2023, is part of this year's Evidence to Action Conference taking place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Rashmi Pillai joins ReFinD Policy Advisory Committee

Rashmi Pillai joins ReFinD Policy Advisory Committee

The Retail Finance Distribution Research Initiate (ReFinD) has appointed to its Policy Advisory Committee Ms. Rashmi Pillai, Group Head of Public Policy at Wave, a leading mobile money operator in Africa. She joins a representative committee that includes people from academia, public policy, and finance, positioned to provide policy leadership and guidance in advancing the aims of ReFinD.

ISSER, World Bank to host public engagement on 2021 Ghana Findex Data


The Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) and the World Bank will on Thursday, May 4, 2023, host a public engagement on the 2021 Ghana Findex Data. The event will be the maiden edition of the ISSER Inclusive Finance Development Series (IIFDS), an initiative under ISSER’s agenda to position African research institutions at the forefront of advancing evidence for the development of inclusive finance.