ReFinD’s New Delhi networking session drives collaboration across Asia

ReFinD’s New Delhi networking session drives collaboration across Asia

The ReFinD Research Initiative convened a networking session in India, aimed at fostering collaboration between ReFinD and research communities across Asia. Held in partnership with the Inclusion Economics India Centre (IEIC), the event also aimed to promote and solicit applications for the third request for proposals (ReFinD RFP3)

ISSER and ReFinD host IPA senior research fellow and expert panel for webinar addressing DFS barriers

ISSER and ReFinD host IPA senior research fellow and expert panel for webinar addressing DFS barriers

The Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research (ISSER) and the ReFinD research initiative, in collaboration with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), hosted a seminar to address the barriers hindering digital financial services (DFS) adoption in low- and middle-income countries.